Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Doors are labeled:
Door A (Gymnasium Entrance)
Door B (Triple Doors Entrance)
Door C (Front Entrance)
Door E (Charles Street Exit)
Door C (Front Entrance) will be open between
8:05 AM – 8:15 AM.
Late arrivals (after 8:15 AM): All students must enter
through Door C and report to the Front Door Monitor. -
Security will be on duty for arrival circulating the outside of the building and valet area.
Breakfast Program: Door C will open at 7:30 AM for breakfast beginning September 3rd.
Valet: Starts between 7:45 AM – 8:15 AM on Charles Street with parent volunteers on September 4th (the second day of school).
Door C (Main Entrance):
1st Grade- Silva, Schiller, Ruland
2nd Grade- Costantino, Walsh, Kean
3rd Grade- Cohen, Celiberti, Vidafar, Ginocchio
4th Grade- Toby, Gencorelli
5th Grade- Hopp, Loughman, Phelan
6th Grade- Gales, Faherty, Sundeberg
Team Classes: Gerace, Vaseghi, LiBretto
Dismissal will be between: 3:02 PM – 3:05 PM.
One of our Security Monitors, will be on duty
for dismissal circulating from Doors A-E.
Door A (Gymnasium Entrance):
1st Grade- Silva, Schiller, Ruland
Door B (Triple Doors Entrance):
2nd Grade- Costantino, Walsh, Kean
Door C (Front Entrance):
6th Grade- Gales, Faherty, Sundeberg
4th Grade- Toby, Gencorelli,
Mrs. Gerace, Ms. Vaseghi, Mrs. LiBretto
- Door D (Side Exit):
3rd Grade- Celiberti, Cohen, Vidafar, Ginocchio
Door E (Charles Street Exit):
5th Grade- Hopp, Loughman, Phelan
As a reminder, no parent cars should enter the faculty parking lot during dismissal or park along Charles Street in the bus zone.
If your child has permission to walk home alone, please notify your child's teacher via email or in a written letter. Teachers will dismiss walkers with the rest of the class.
For dismissal, older siblings have the ability to visit the classroom or dismissal area of their youngest sibling so that they may exit the building together. Make sure each classroom teacher receives a note documenting your dismissal preferences for all siblings.
Parent Phone calls/Change of Plans:
We need your help in finalizing your child's after-school plans at home to alleviate last-minute phone calls during the school day. However, we understand that sometimes, unexpected circumstances occur. If a dismissal change must be made after the start of the school day, please adhere to the established procedure. Any change of dismissal plans must be preceded by a written note with the date and signature of the parent. If emailing, you must also "cc" our main office staff: and In addition, any last minute change in the CARES after school program must be received by email, fax or phone call.
This procedure must be above is crucial as we work to dismiss over 400 students. Safety is our priority. Thank you for our cooperation!